Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Thing #5: In which Stacey plays with Flickr

As many of you know, I love taking pictures. Especially of Sophie (aka photographer's magnet). I also love making READ posters of staff (and library guests). Since I am in the process of going from one branch to another, I decided to take a shortcut and use some of the many pictures I've already taken at the branch.

I created a Flickr badge using pictures of my family and Glenwood READ pictures. I tried to do one just of the READ pictures (with the tag mdlearning2), but was having trouble. Maybe later. Also check out the Star Wars guests. :)

Flickr seems fairly easy to use, but the whole online-community-seeing-your-pictures thing still makes me a little nervous. Especially since the majority of pictures are of Sophie and friends.

My dad introduced me to Google's Picasa and I'm really liking that. Especially for the photo organization aspect. It too, is easy to use. I'm going to try a combo of the two and see how that goes. They seem to work well together...all of the pictures I uploaded to Flickr, were taken from my Picasa account.

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